

Studying & Memorizing God’s Word

 With the Bible you must:

- Read it

- Understand it

- Act on it 

1. Knowing God's word strengthens our personal connection with Christ. In John 14:21 Jesus says "those who accept My commandments and obeys them are the ones who love Me."
So you can't claim to love Jesus if you’re not obeying Him and His word. And the catch is that you can't obey God's word if you have no idea what God is trying to say and command.
It's important to have a good understanding of what the Bible is trying to tell us. Once God's word is memorized and understood, you will be able to hold on to it and use it out in the world. Whenever you’re faced with tough situations you can easily slide your thoughts over to God's word and remember what He says about certain situations. It will help guide you with making decisions in life. 

2. It will help you avoid sin. When it comes to avoiding sin, you shouldn't wait until you're in the middle of fiery temptations to try and fight them but instead ponder verses beforehand and devise strategies to avoid being tempted in the first place. 
3. Memorizing God's word will enable you to share your faith more effectively. Once memorized you won't need your Bible with you to give an answer because you'll already know God's answer. When talking about His word a good verse to keep in mind is 1 Peter 3:15 which says "always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”

While we are still on this earth let us take time every day to study and memorize God's word.

If we truly love God like we say we do, then there's no reason why we shouldn't spend every day reading His word. Remember: Read it, Understand His given instructions, and then Act on them.